At St. Patrick, we believe every member of our parish has something to offer toward the Mission of the Church and therefore encourage all our members to serve in ministry. As members of this Body, we truly are His hands, His feet, and His eyes in our world. To be a Christian is to be committed to action and living out our faith through service to one another. We are the Church, we are the Body of Christ; not to be served, but to serve.
Read through the various ministries below and discern which one is right for you. Click on the title of the ministry for more details, including contact information. If you feel the call to serve or would like to facilitate a new ministry (class, bible study, group, etc), please contact Cyndi Barclay • 636-332-9225 ext. 234 • Thank you for considering joining a ministry at St. Patrick!
- Youth Groups
- Faith Alive in the Home
- Summer Bible Camps
- Flame of Love Cenacle
- Scouts
- Children's Church Bags
- Youth Sports Athletic Association
- Area Summer Camps
- Revive
- That Mas Is You
- Rise & Praise
- Faith Alive in the Home
- Soul Sisters
- Men's Group
- Eucharistic Adoration
- The Search
- Group Bible Study
- RCIA Becoming Catholic
- ACTS & ACTS Retreat
- White House Retreat
- Alpha Program
- Opportunities for Prayer
Faith Formation Help
- Catholic Media
- Powerful Prayers
- Seven Daily Habits
- Prayers for Our Military
- Catholic for Christ
- The Veil Removed
- Daily Readings
Parish Life Ministry
- Prayer Ministry
- Jonah Prayer Ministry
- Prayer Warriors for Priests
- Grief Support
- Prayer Tree
- Pro-Life Ministry
- Young Again Club 62+
- Prayer Blankets
- Quilters
- Crocheters
- Bucket Brigade Cleaning
- Mom's Group
- Knights of Columbus
- Home & School Association
- PSR Catechists (teacher)
We want to rejuvenate the deep, spiritual meaning of being a participant in Mass. As St. Augustine said, “Behold what you are. Become who you receive.” Every time we celebrate the Sacred Banquet together, we are fulfilling Jesus’ command to “Do this in memory of Me.” We believe that the Risen Christ is truly present in the Liturgy in the Presider; in the Holy Eucharist as His real presence of Body and Blood; in the Word proclaimed from the Sacred Scriptures, and in the Community gathered in His Name.
CLICK HERE to sign up for Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, Lector, Usher, and Greeter. All training is provided and each Ministry has a rotating schedule of service. The more people we have involved, the fewer times any one person has to serve and the richer our Liturgies will be as each person brings their special gifts to the Altar.
- Altar Servers
- Choir/Cantors
- Greeters, Lectors & Ushers
- Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
- Children's Liturgy of the Word
- Liturgy Committee
- Adoration Signup
- St. Vincent de Paul Society
- Mary Martha Thrift Shop
- Birthright
- Caring & Sharing
- Meals on Wheels
- Support Groups
- Blood Donation
- Adopt-A-Family
Annual Parish Events
- Horse Races
- Quilt Bingo
- K of C Fish Frys
- Corned Beef & Cabbage Dinner
- Dinner Auction
- Junktique Sale
- Paper Shredding
- Fall Festival & E-Raffle
- K of C Chicken Dinners
Archdiocesan Annual Appeal (ACA) Coordinator
Athletic Association Coach/Asst./Registration
Bible Study/Adult Formation Program
Finance Committee
Marriage Preparation
Nursing Home Visitor-Eucharistic Minister
Nursing Home Visitor-Help set up for Mass
Nursing Home-Lead the Rosary
Outreach Following Baptism
Outreach to Sick
Parish Board of Education
Parish Council-Member
Parish School of Religion (PSR)- Catechist/ Aide/Volunteer
Parking Lot Safety
RCIA Christian Initiation
St. Vincent DePaul Society-Driver
St. Vincent DePaul Society-Pantry
Vacation Bible School Teacher/Volunteer
Envelope Stuffer
Gardener-Indoor (Flowers/Plants)
Money Counter
Photographer for Parish Activities
Other suggestions?
SCRIP Sales/ Volunteer
Trivia Night Committee/Volunteer
“Today is all we have, if we wait for another time or a better time to show our gratitude to God, we will spend our lives waiting. Now is when we must act. Tomorrow we can thank God for the blessings He gives us tomorrow. Today we must thank Him for all that He is giving us now.”