Participating in Jonah Prayer Ministry
Meet with the Jonah Prayer Ministry (who have been trained by the St. Louis Archdiocese) with your intentions or those of your family and friends every first Sunday of the month after the 9 AM and 11 AM Masses. It only takes a few minutes and the prayer teams will confidentially pray for your intentions. The prayer team normally meets in the Lorica room in church (old library).
Prayers are not limited to those for health. We can pray for anything that is on your heart (loss of job, strength for difficult situations, increase of peace, guidance, and wisdom, etc.). Prayers will be confidential and they will not be shared or discussed after the prayers are done.
Jesus tells us that if we pray for intercessions with expectant faith for the glory of God, that He will answer these prayers. The Jonah prayer teams will pray with you, helping formulate your needs into appropriate prayers. By coming forward, you are expressing expectant faith adding to that of the prayer team.
What is Jonah Prayer Ministry?
Jonah Prayer Ministry is a prayer ministry based at the parish level. The goal is for every parish to have Jonah Prayer Ministry or its equivalent. Praying over each other is an excellent way to affirm each other's faith as a community, to let the Holy Spirit heal our hurts and to open our eyes to being thankful for the truth and love in every situation that we experience.
Jonah Prayer Ministers are people like yourself who are approved by the pastor for this ministry. Ministry members feel the call to pray for others or desire to use their spiritual gifts of prayer given to them by the Holy Spirit. After training, Jonah Prayer ministers pray in small groups with individuals who request prayer support, maintaining confidence in all matters. Ministry sessions are scheduled according to individual parish activity and with pastoral approval.
Jonah Prayer Ministry is another beautiful way that the Holy Spirit can have a profound direct spiritual impact both in the parish community and in personal lives. Jonah Prayer Ministry is about being present to fellow parishioners through prayer and praying with expectant faith knowing God brings about transformation/healing/growth.
"Christ has no body now on earth but yours, No hands but yours, no feet but yours, Yours are the eyes through which is to look out Christ's compassion to the world; Yours are the feet with which he is to go about doing good; Yours are the hands with which he is to bless men now." -St. Teresa of Avila
Interested in becoming a Jonah Prayer Minister?
Jonah Prayer Ministers attend archdiocesan workshops to train prayer ministers for ministry in their parishes.
Click here for a schedule of Jonah Prayer Ministry Training Seminars.
Applicants will need the signature of their pastor on the application form. Forms may be copied at the parish office, or call 636-332-9225.
Parish Contacts
Jenny Jacobson,
Cyndi Barclay,
Or call the parish office at 636-332-9225 ext. 234 and ask to be connected with a Jonah Prayer Team member.