405 S. Church St., Wentzville, MO 63385 | 636-332-9225

Annual Catholic Appeal

2024 Annual Catholic Appeal

Annual Catholic Appeal pledge cards will be available in the social hall after all Masses on the weekends of April 20-21, April 27-28, May 4-5. Pledge cards have also been mailed to those who have given to the ACA in the last five years.


Any parishioner who has not received a pledge card and would like to give, you may:

  • Stop by the parish office and fill out a pledge card or let us help you give online.
  • Text ACA to 243725
  • Give online at aca.archstl.org. Click the “Donate” button.

Our 2024 Champaign Goal is $194,463

We ask that you complete your card, even if you are not contributing. Thank you.

Any parishioner who desires to help with the appeal, or has questions, please contact the parish office.

Even the smallest donation is important in the ACA campaign. When determining benefits, the Archdiocese will look at our participation to determine assistance.

Even though we're asking our parishioners to donate because it does directly help our parish, the ACA should be viewed as an opportunity for stewardship, engagement, and education about the Church’s shared mission. It is easy to ask, “What’s in it for us?" but one should focus on the willingness to give as Jesus did without expecting something in return. The appeal provides funding for programs that serve the greater St. Louis community's most immediate needs. Ministries include:

  • Catholic education, including elementary and high schools, special education, Newman Centers, and ongoing formation for priests and deacons
  • Promotion of human dignity, including help for immigrants and refugees, food pantries, and other services for the homeless and those in need and efforts to defend life, marriage, and religious liberty
  • Leadership and missionary discipleship, including vocations, adult catechesis, support for religious communities, prayer and healing ministries, and communications and youth programming

We help and serve others through the Annual Catholic Appeal not because they are Catholic, but because we are Catholic. Please consider a gift today. #CatholicSTL   

St. Louis Archdiocese ACA

Programs ACA Supports

2023 Final Campaign Results