405 S. Church St., Wentzville, MO 63385 | 636-332-9225




Adopt-A-Family started in 1981 as one of the original Sts. Joachim & Ann Care Service programs and was originally held on the site of their first official address. Although the program's event is now so large it must now be held at the St. Charles Community College campus, it is still fondly referred to as the “Miracle on McClay."


The Adopt-A-Family program assures that parents with children and the elderly will have Christmas by providing them with food and gifts.

For the annual event, the Care Service coordinates the adoption of more than 700 families in need by neighbors, local organizations, social groups, churches, schools, and businesses. The process begins in the fall by signing up families who request to be adopted. In October, we begin matching the families with those individuals and groups who wish to adopt them.


St. Patrick Parish partners with Sts. Joachim and Ann Care Service directly to adopt 30 families in need in St. Charles County. If you choose to adopt a family, you will be given family information in order to provide at least three gifts for each family member, or as many as you would like in addition to that. You may choose the size of the family you wish to adopt. You may also choose to join together with other family members, neighbors, or co-workers and adopt a family together.

You will also be asked to provide Christmas dinner, which should include a gift certificate for the dinner or a gift certificate for meat plus your choice of boxed side dishes that you think would make for a nice Christmas dinner. In addition, staple foods, paper products, cleaners, and personal care items are always in need if you have the means to provide them. These suggestions are necessities that many of our families cannot purchase with food stamps and therefore go without.


If you would like to adopt a family, contact Cyndi at cyndi@stpatsch.org by November 10, 2024. You will receive information via email and families will be assigned as soon as possible.

UPDATE: As of November 14, 2024, all families have been adopted. Cash donations will be accepted to help supplement the gifts from the adopters. Please place your donation (payable to St. Patrick) in an envelope marked “Adopt-A-Family” and place it in the collection basket or drop it off at the parish office.

Volunteers are needed to help transport items to Sts. Joachim & Ann, 4112 McClay Rd, St Charles, MO, on Sat, December 14 after the 8 AM Mass and also to help wrap gifts. Please contact Cyndi at 636-332-9225 or cyndi@stpatsch.org to sign-up.

For more info about Adopt-A-Family, visit jacares.org/programs/adopt-a-family.