405 S. Church St., Wentzville, MO 63385 | 636-332-9225

Liturgy and Worship

All training is provided and each Ministry has a rotating schedule of service. The more people we have involved, the fewer times any one person has to serve and the richer our Liturgies will be as each person brings their special gifts to the Altar.

If you missed our most recent training session, contact Cyndi at cyndi@stpatsch.org or 636-332-9225 ext. 234. Training will take place in the church.

Altar servers assist the priest on the Altar during the weekend Masses, Holy Days, weddings, and funerals throughout the year on a rotating schedule. This ministry is open to all boys and girls who have received the Sacrament of First Holy Communion (usually 2nd grade) through high school. Boys and girls assist priests as candle, cross, and book bearers in the sanctuary at Liturgies and Devotions.

CONTACT: Fr. Joe Detwiler • 636-332-9225 ext. 282

Musicians (instrumental and vocal) share their talent by leading sung prayer at the various Masses. Choir at Sunday 9:00 AM, Cantors and accompaniment at Saturday 5:00 PM and Sunday 11:00 AM, and a Lifeteen band at Sunday 5:00 PM. Lifeteen band and cantors are by audition.

CONTACT: Carrie Piotrowski • musicdirector@stpatsch.org

Recordings are provided to learn music by ear, and even if you don’t sing harmonies well, melody singers are needed. A larger choir will give us the opportunity for expanding our music selections as well. Please contact Carrie Piotrowski if interested, or with any questions.

Extraordinary ministers of communion, commonly referred to as Eucharistic Ministers or EM's, are called upon to bring Jesus in His Body and Blood to the community when additional people are needed for distribution. 

To be an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, you must be a Roman Catholic, at least 18 years old, who has received the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist. If married, you must have be validly married in the Catholic Church. For more info, click here.

CONTACT: Marie Huellewig • 636-262-2319 • mariehuellewig@hotmail.comSign Up Online

Ushers continue the spirit of Hospitality begun by the Greeters. Ushers welcome and hold our doors open, assist parishioners in finding a seat, organize the presentation of the gifts and receiving lines for Holy Communion, collect and deposit the offertory collection, distribute bulletins after Mass, and give overall supervision to the congregation for any needs of the parishioners. This ministry is open to teens and adults with a friendly and joyful attitude.

CONTACT: Marie Huellewig • 636-262-2319 • mariehuellewig@hotmail.comSign Up Online

Being a lector (reader) gives you a chance to proclaim the first or second reading at Mass. You may also lead the Psalm (in the absence of a cantor) and the Prayers of the Faithful (in the absence of the deacon). Initial training is provided and workshops are periodically scheduled. Lector workbooks are available to help prepare for the delivery of God’s Word with respect, dignity, and meaning. Lectors should have a good, strong voice and be able to project God’s Word meaningfully. This ministry is open to teens and adults with a friendly and joyful attitude.

CONTACT: Marie Huellewig • 636-262-2319 • mariehuellewig@hotmail.comSign Up Online

While we have always considered St. Patrick to be a welcoming place, we want to create a culture of radical hospitality, a key component of moving our parish from maintenance (attending Mass on Sundays) to mission (actively living out our faith and sharing the Good News with others, i.e. evangelizing). 

Since radical hospitality requires an intentional invitation and welcome that goes beyond standing at the door and passing out bulletins (which is part of our Usher ministry), we are starting a new Greeter ministry at St. Patrick. As the front line of our church's hospitality ministry, we will ask greeters to arrive at least 30 minutes before Mass to welcome every person as an honored guest so that everyone feels the Spirit of Christ before they enter the Sanctuary. Are the Children’s Bags available? Are the bathroom supplies stocked? Can I assist others with getting in and out of their vehicles? Can I walk with them under my umbrella in the rain? Am I available to answer questions?

Hospitality is not an additional courtesy; it is a central component of the Christian message, attitude, and behavior; and therefore is integral to the liturgical celebration of the Christian faithful. Ushers and Greeters have the unique privilege and the responsibility to create this cordial and welcoming environment for the parish community. If you enjoy welcoming people, making connections, and helping people feel cared for with a friendly and joyful attitude, we would love for you to join us in this new ministry.

CONTACT: Cyndi Barclay • 636-332-9225 ext. 234 • cyndi@stpatsch.orgSign Up Online

These volunteers arrive 30 minutes before mass and lead the rosary for those in attendance. The first Sunday Holy Family Rosary is lead by St. Patrick Knights of Columbus members with intentions to strengthen our families and our faith.

Volunteer families present the bread and wine to the altar during the weekend Masses. This ministry is something that families can do together to be involved with the mass.

The program is led by volunteers who provide a child’s version of Liturgy of the Word, a 20-minute prayerful service for children ages 4-10 during the 9 AM Sunday Mass, September thru May. Additional materials and activities are available to make the experience fun and memorable. This ministry is open to all adults who have completed Prevent & Protect (Protecting God's Children) training. This is not a teaching or classroom experience and volunteers lead in pairs. More info

CONTACT: Cyndi Barclay • 636-332-9225 ext. 234 • cyndi@stpatsch.org

Sacristans prepare the bread, wine, vessels, and linens for the liturgy, as well as clean and store them for the next liturgy.

CONTACT: Cyndi Barclay • 636-332-9225 ext. 234 • cyndi@stpatsch.org

The Linen Committee is an at-home ministry. You launder the altar linens and return to the church by the next weekend. 

CONTACT: Cyndi Barclay • 636-332-9225 ext. 234 • cyndi@stpatsch.org

There is always a need for Religious Education teachers and aides. Children of catechists and aides are given preferential placement in class and the fee is waived. 

CONTACT: Rachel Henry • 636-332-9113 ext. 1451 • rhenry@stpatsch.org

Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist volunteer to take Communion to parishioners who are home-bound due to illness or age. The ministry gives those unable to attend Mass a chance to receive Communion and stay in touch with the parish community.

CONTACT: Cyndi Barclay • 636-332-9225 ext. 234 • cyndi@stpatsch.org

All are invited to spend time with Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament in Eucharistic Adoration. We are blessed with a beautiful Adoration Chapel which is available 24/7 for quiet prayer with Our Lord. Eucharistic Adoration is one of the best ways to grow in our relationship with Christ. The Chapel is located to the right of the main doors of the church. The key code for the doors is 9876. To sign up to be a scheduled adorer or sub, visit https://adorationpro.org/patrickwentzville

CONTACT: Cyndi Barclay • 636-332-9225