Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMHC) are lay members who assist the priest in the distribution of Holy Communion at Mass, bring communion to the sick or aged, or expose the Blessed Sacrament in a chapel for Holy Hour because of the shortage of ordinary ministers (Bishop, Priest, Deacon).
Selection and Training
An EMHC must be a practicing Catholic, at least 18 years of age, baptized, confirmed, received First Communion, of good moral character, and an active member of St. Patrick Parish who participates in weekly mass, communion services, and a person of prayer. An EMHC must be a qualified person chosen and trained by a priest-chaplain.
An EMHC may distribute Holy Communion at Mass only when there are no ordinary ministers (Bishop, Priest, Deacon) present, or when those present are unable to distribute Communion, or when the large size of the congregation justifies it. An EMHC may also bring Communion to the sick or homebound members of the installation with the frequency recommended in the rite of The Pastoral Care of the Sick. EMHCs are ideally sent directly from Mass to establish the connection between the Eucharistic assembly and the sick.
An EMHC is not authorized to perform a communion service nor give a blessing.
"This is one more of our wonderful ancient traditions: to love and cherish and to keep connected with those members of this community who cannot be with us at the Table of the Lord.”
What is the Ministry to the Sick and Homebound?
The EMHC brings the comfort of Christ in the form of the Eucharist to those who are unable to be physically present at church. In this way, the sick and homebound are united to the Body of Christ present in our community. We continue the healing and compassionate ministry of Jesus, as members of His Body. This is not a private but a public act of representing the Church as an institution and as a parish.
What is the time commitment?
This varies, daily, weekly, monthly, etc. and will be determined according to the needs and schedule of the one visited and the minister.
Request Visit to Homebound
If you have a relative or friend who is homebound and would like to be visited by a Priest or an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, please call the parish office at 636-332-9225.