405 S. Church St., Wentzville, MO 63385 | 636-332-9225

Columbarium & Cemetery

The Columbariums of St. Patrick Church

Creating an option for Catholic burials at our parish home.

What is a Columbarium?
A columbarium (käləmˈberēəm) is a group of small compartments or “niches” designed to hold the cremated remains (“cremains”) of loved ones who have died. A columbarium:

  • Provides comfort to the family having a memorial to their deceased within the church grounds
  • Affirms our faith that those who die in the Lord remain in communion not only with God, and all of those who have gone before us in faith, but also with the living.
  • Is a visible sign that the church cares for its members and believes in life after death.
  • Provides a more affordable economic inurnment as compared to other methods.
  • Offers an easy way to make advance plans, relieving the surviving family of difficult decisions.
  • It is theologically sound and environmentally friendly.

St. Patrick Columbarium Facts

  • Two 144-Niche columbariums are located on the southwest corner of St. Patrick Parish cemetery.
  • The columbariums are octagon shaped. One has a statue of our Blessed Mother adorning the top and the other has St. Joseph. 
  • There are 8 columns, 6 high that are single niches and 8 columns, 6 high with double niches that will accommodate two urns (front to back).
  • An additional option includes purchasing two single niches, side by side with the center panel removed. 

Should I choose to have my body cremated?
St. Patrick Columbarium is not meant to encourage cremation, but rather to provide an affordable consecrated resting place for the faithful departed on the St. Patrick grounds. Opting for cremation is a personal matter to be decided within the family. Placement of cremated remains in the St. Patrick Columbarium is handled with the greatest compassion and dignity, and at minimum expense to the family.

Does cremation go against Catholic teaching?
In May 1963 the Vatican’s Holy Office lifted the prohibition forbidding Catholics to choose cremation. This permission was incorporated into the revised Code of Canon Law of 1983 and as such “permits cremation, provided that it does not demonstrate a denial of faith in the resurrection of the body.”

The United States Catholic Conference of Bishops further clarified that:
the cremated remains of a body should be entombed in a mausoleum or columbarium; they may also be buried in a common grave in a cemetery… Whenever possible, appropriate means for memorializing the deceased should be utilized, such as a plaque or stone that records the name of the deceased.”

Who may be buried in the columbarium?
The columbarium is intended for the interment of the cremated remains of Catholics who are entitled to Christian burial according to the rules and disciplines of the Church and the regulations of the Bishop and Pastor. Therefore registered members of our parish or of other Catholic parishes, together with a registered parishioner’s immediate family members (spouse, children,
and parents, including non-Catholics) may be interred. Others may be interred at the discretion of the parish priest.

Will I be able to select a particular niche?
Yes. Niches are sold on a first-come, first-served basis. All niches in the "Mary" columbarium have been purchased. 

What will the faceplates look like?
For uniformity, all faceplates will be bronze plaques, 10” x 10”.  Single niche will have one plaque and will include last name, first name, date of birth and date of death.  Double niche will also have one plaque with space for names & dates of both deceased.

What are the fees?
The price for a single niche holding one urn is $1,700 and a double niche holding two separate urns is $3,200. The price includes the engraved faceplate, perpetual care, and all other costs associated with the Columbarium. If paying with a debit/credit card, it's $1,745 for a single and $3,280 for a double. Urns are not included.

Who do I contact?
To receive information regarding selection, pricing, and the process of inurnment of your loved one in the Columbarium, please the parish office at 636-332-9225.

  • If you are ready to purchase a Columbarium niche, please make an appointment to meet with the office manager in the parish office. 
  • Payment may be made in full or you may discuss payment options.


The Cemetery of St. Patrick Church

The Cemetery is a sacred place and is due all the honor and respect given to the church itself. Our cemetery located at St. Patrick Church is full (no burial plots available for purchase). Burial plots are reserved for the exclusive purchaser(s) of said plot.

Cemetery Grave Listing - to view entire site listing of names, click on the "Grave ?" icon labeled VIEW MEMORIALS.

Since the inception of St. Patrick Parish in 1905 our Parish Campus has seen many changes. Three churches, three parish residences, initial school and multiple school expansions, and more. One area that has been consistent for many, many years is the St. Patrick Parish Cemetery. Our Cemetery is one of the first visual representations of our parish to parishioners and guests. 

Our Catholic Cemeteries are sacred spaces. They serve as a bridge to our past and the final resting place of the blessed remains of families and parishioners that came before us to build St. Patrick Parish. Catholic Cemeteries are witnesses to the faith we profess in the Nicene Creed as we “look for the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come.”

In order to maintain our Parish Cemetery and present a pleasing appearance we will be instituting some guidelines regarding the placement of Flowers & Decorations. It becomes a difficult task for our cemetery to be maintained with mowing and trimming when Flowers & Decorations are placed further and further from the grave sites and are not removed when they become unsightly. Often these weathered decorations end up falling apart and blowing in the wind to litter not only the cemetery but parking lots as well. 

Beginning on March 1, 2023 the Cemetery Committee reserves the right to remove all flowers, wreaths, or other decorations from plots as soon as they become unsightly. The grounds will be cleared of these unsightly decorations three times per year. Those dates will be: 

  • Spring cleanup will begin March 1

  • Late Summer Clean Up will begin August 1

  • Late Fall Clean Up will begin November 15. 

    • Clean Up Periods may take up to three days. 

    • New Decorations should not be placed at Grave Sites until three dates after the Clean Up Dates mentioned above.