405 S. Church St., Wentzville, MO 63385 | 636-332-9225

St. Monica Ministry

St. Monica Ministry

Holy Hour of Petition and Hope
Second Wednesday of the Month
9:00 AM & 5:00 PM
Adoration Chapel

We will have St. Monica prayer cards, books to share, resources for prayer, and printed guides for the rosary so everyone can follow along.

Please subscribe to our Flocknote newsletter at StPatrickWentzville.flocknote.com/StMonicaMinistry

St. Monica Ministry is a dedicated community and prayer network that aims to provide hope and support to the families and friends of fallen-away Catholics. Through the St. Monica Ministry, we hope to create a nurturing environment where individuals can come together, share their experiences, and offer prayers for their loved ones' return to the Catholic faith.

Needed: People to pray with us monthly on 2nd Wednesdays at 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM for sons, daughters, family members, friends, and neighbors who have drifted away from the Church. 

If interested in joining us as we embark on this journey of faith and compassion, or have questions, contact Cyndi at 636-332-9225 ext 234 or cyndi@stpatsch.org. We would love to find someone to coordinate or co-coordinate this ministry as we build and develop it. 

Recent Articles about the St. Monica Ministry (click on the titles below)

Crux Now

National Catholic Register

Prayer of the St. Monica Ministry to its Patron

O St. Monica, mother of the great Augustine, you besought heaven for your son's conversion while pursuing him across the ocean. Through your intercession, may we hold fast to our children, drawing them untiringly towards the embrace of the Father. Implore God's mercy on our prodigal sons and daughters who have gone astray, that they may come to know, accept, and cherish the unconditional love of their Heavenly Father.

O St. Monica, virtuous and steadfast wife, many years of affliction did not cause you to despair.  Instead, strengthened by adversity and tempered by your tears, you prayed unceasingly for the conversion of your husband, Patricius. In His mercy, God heard the cry of your heart and gave Patricius the gift of Christian faith. Obtain for me, good St. Monica, a measure of your virtues, that my fallen-away loved ones should come to know Christ through my example. Intercede for those of my family and friends who are walking in darkness, that they should return to the ineffable light of our holy Faith.

Beloved St. Monica, grant me the grace to accept the Divine Will in all things, through Jesus Christ, our Lord, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, forever and ever. Amen.



Inside the Atheist Mind - Anthony DeStefano

Return: How to Draw Your Child Back to the Church - Brandon Vogt

The Godless Delusion - Patrick Madrid & Kenneth Hensley

St. Monica Club - Maggie Green

Mere Christianity - CS Lewis

Search and Rescue: How to Bring Your Family and Friends Into–or Back into–the Catholic Church - Patrick Madrid

Navigating the Tiber: How to Help Your Friends and Family Journey Toward the Catholic Faith -  Devin Rose

One Moment Can Change a Soul: Helping Catholics Come Home - Tom Peterson

When a Loved One Leaves the Church - Lorene Duquin

What Would Monica Do? - Patti Armstrong & Roxane Salonen






