405 S. Church St., Wentzville, MO 63385 | 636-332-9225

Weather Policy

Inclement Weather Policy

Mass Attendance & Confessions

Mass in Church: Regardless of weather conditions, regularly scheduled Masses and confessions will always take place, unless otherwise noted.

Safety First: No one should put themselves or their family at risk to fulfill a ministerial assignment or to attend Mass.

Sunday Obligation: The Code of Canon Law states: "On Sundays and other holy days of obligation, the faithful are obliged to participate in the Mass." (Canon 1247). However, Church law also states: "if participation in the [Mass] becomes impossible . . . for a grave cause (and winter weather can be a grave cause), it is strongly recommended that the faithful . . . devote themselves to prayer for a suitable time alone, [or] as a family" (Canon 1248.2).

Events and Gatherings

Follow School Closure: Events and gatherings will follow the snow closure and weather directions of St. Patrick Catholic School. When the school is closed due to weather, all gatherings will be canceled unless otherwise directed by your ministry/group leader. School closings are sent via text message to school families and shared with FOX 2, KMOV 4, and KSDK 5.

Parish School of Religion: PSR closures are not directly associated with St. Patrick day school or Wentzville school closings, as road and weather conditions can change by evening. PSR closings will be on KSDK 5 and FOX 2 News. Parents/Guardians will receive an email.

Affected Ministries: Closure of St. Patrick Catholic School due to weather applies to all offices, events, and ministries at St. Patrick Church and School.

Weekend: If there is a sudden change in the weather during the day, or if there is a gathering scheduled for the weekend, the pastoral staff or ministry leader will make a decision as soon as possible to ensure safe travels.

Parish Communications

Every attempt will be made to post weather-related announcements on our parish website and/or delivered through Flocknote. If you are unsure whether a gathering is canceled, please contact your ministry/group leader directly.