405 S. Church St., Wentzville, MO 63385 | 636-332-9225

Commemorative Bricks

We invite you to become a part of our history and leave a lasting impression on the place we love to call home!

To order your engraved brick(s) to be placed in the St. Patrick Parish Church entrance, simply complete the order form and mail it with your payment to the address below. Once your order is received with payment, you will be contacted by phone or email to confirm both order and message. Order forms may be picked up in the parish office, at the brick display located in the gathering space of the church, or printed off your computer (link below).


Your 4" x 8" brick can be engraved with up to three lines. Each line may contain up to 20 characters per line (including punctuation and spaces). The text will be centered, and all uppercase letters will be used. Acceptable messages include Family Name, In Memory of (a loved one), Wedding, Baptism, Confirmation, Graduating student or class of St. Patrick School or PSR, church organizations, or other special events associated with the parish. No business names will be allowed. If you have any questions, please contact Bob Pohl at 314-541-2449.

If ordering more than two bricks, please copy the order form and attach all forms together when submitting. Cost is $100 per brick.

Please make check payable to St. Patrick K of C — Council 10154
Please mail payment to St. Patrick K of C #10154, c/o Bob Pohl, 71 Schooner Ln, Lake St. Louis, MO 63367

The St. Patrick Knights of Columbus thank you for your support of this project!