405 S. Church St., Wentzville, MO 63385 | 636-332-9225

Children's Liturgy of the Word

Children’s Liturgy of the Word is an adapted worship experience that helps our young people, grades Pre-Kindergarten thru 1st Grade, understand the Sunday Gospel message at their level.

Children’s Liturgy will be offered most Sundays (September - May) during the 9:00 AM Mass (and possibly the 11 AM Mass if there are enough volunteers and interest), with the exception of a few major holidays and volunteer availability. It is most likely that the children will attend the beginning of Mass with their parents until the end of the Introductory Rites when the priest will invite the children to come forward for a blessing and dismiss them from Mass with the Children’s Liturgy volunteers where they will then gather in the social hall and return to the church immediately after the Prayers of the Faithful. We strive to help the children understand the gospel more fully so they can go out and live their lives as Jesus teaches. We want the children of St. Patrick to come to know that Mass is a place where God really speaks to them.

We are in need of committed adult & teen disciples to keep this ministry vibrant and healthy! We have resources available to help facilitate this program. The number of times you are responsible for leading depends upon the number of volunteers. Ideally, we would like to have enough volunteers so that everyone celebrates Children’s Liturgy once every four to six weeks. In order to proclaim the Gospel to the children, preparation time is necessary. It will vary among volunteers.

To keep with the safe environment guidelines for the Archdiocese of St. Louis, all volunteers will need to complete Prevent & Protect (Protecting God’s Children) training if they have not done so in the past. It's very easy to complete the safeguarding procedures! Visit www.stpatrickwentzville.org/sep for more information on this training or call the parish office for assistance.

Contact our Chidren's Liturgy coordinator, Rachel Henry, 636-332-9913 ext. 1451, rhenry@stpatsch.org with any questions and/or your willingness to serve as a volunteer. We will contact you to schedule a time to begin training, preparing, and mentoring you in this wonderful ministry to the youngest of these!