405 S. Church St., Wentzville, MO 63385 | 636-332-9225

Safe Environment Program

SPAA provides guidance and instruction to youths in soccer, basketball, volleyball, golf, and track & field.

We have openings for President and Vice President of the St. Patrick Athletic Association. If lending a hand interests you, don't hesitate to contact anyone within the organization.

 SPAA Online Registration

CYC Rainout LineFor game schedule changes & cancellations

Safe Environment Program - Protecting God's Children

CYC Coaches Training Program


  • Families OFFICIALLY registered within the parish, or
  • Students currently enrolled in the parish full-time school or the PSR program, or
  • Those who who do not meet any of the above criteria, but live within the parish boundaries of St. Patrick, St. Gianna, or IHM New Melle and do not have sports programs.

Please visit https://www.archstl.org/find-my-parish and ensure that you live within these parish boundaries. If you do not meet any of these criteria, do not proceed with the registration, even if you may have played for us in the past.

REFEREES WANTED: St. Patrick is looking for youth (15+) and adults that would be interested in becoming CYC soccer referees. St. Patrick Athletic Association will provide all the training and instruction required to become a successful CYC referee. This is a great way to make some extra money and help out St. Patrick athletics. If you or someone you know is interested, please contact: Jeff Lepp, Assistant Referee Coordinator, 314-249-6003 or Jeffrey.Lepp@gmail.com. All referees must be compliant with the Safe Environment Program. This consists of attending a Protecting God’s Children Workshop and registering with Prevent & Protect online. For assistance with Prevent & Protect, contact Valerie Langford, Child Safety Coordinator, at valerie@stpatsch.org.

COACHES & ASST. COACHES: Your continued support through volunteering to coach is, as always, greatly needed and appreciated! All coaches and assistant coaches must be compliant with the Safe Environment Program. This consists of attending a Protecting God’s Children Workshop (in person or online). For assistance, contact Valerie Langford, Child Safety Coordinator, at valerie@stpatsch.org. You must also complete an online Coaching to Make a Positive Difference Class.

VOLUNTEERS: It takes a concerted effort to make a season successful, so we are always looking for volunteers. If you would like to help with coaching, supervising, coordinating referees, or in any other way, please contact the coach or athletic director. All volunteers must be compliant with the Safe Environment Program. This consists of attending a Protecting God’s Children Workshop. For assistance, contact Valerie Langford, Child Safety Coordinator, at valerie@stpatsch.org.

BEHAVIOR: The behavior of both the coaches and fans will again be very emphasized this year to avoid any incidents between opposing coaches, fans, players, or referees. There is a NO tolerance policy in effect. If an incident occurs, you will be asked to leave the field immediately and possibly suspended for the next game or more depending on the severity of the incident. This pertains to anyone attending or coaching a game. Please help us make this a pleasant experience for our children.


  • Pre-K thru 8th-grade girls and boys
  • Registration usually begins in May with an early June deadline
  • Practice and games August thru October

Online Registration

Contact • soccer@stpatsch.org


  • 3rd thru 8th-grade girls and boys
  • Registration usually begins in May with an early June deadline
  • Practice and games August thru November

The St. Patrick Athletic Association needs a new volleyball coordinator for the upcoming season and beyond. The duties can be shared, so you can team up with a friend to tackle this opportunity together. Immediate action is crucial; without a coordinator, St. Patrick will not be able to offer volleyball this fall (registration starts this in May). If interested, contact anyone within the St. Patrick Athletic Association.

Online Registration - link is open but St. Patrick will not be listed until there is a volleyball coordinator

Click the Online Registration link above for details, including dates and fees.


  • 3rd thru 8th-grade girls and boys
  • Registration usually begins in November with a mid-December deadline
  • Practice and games November thru March

Online Registration

Click the Online Registration link above for details, including dates and fees.

Contact • Bill Wilson (314)220-5770 via text or email William.j.wilson7@gmail.com
Contact • Chuck Conner (314)766-5051 via text or email cm.conner@hotmail.com


  • Kind. thru 8th-grade girls and boys
  • Registration usually begins in February with an early March deadline
  • Practice and meets March thru May

St. Patrick does not offer Track & Field at this time. Contact the athletic director if you are interested in coordinating this sport.

Online Registration - link is open but St. Patrick will not be listed until there is a track & field coordinator

Click the Online Registration link above for details, including dates and fees.


  • 1st thru 8th-grade girls and boys
  • Registration usually begins in January with an early February deadline
  • Practice and meets March/April thru June

Online Registration

Click the Online Registration link above for details, including dates and fees.
Contact • Bill Wilson •  william.j.wilson7@gmail.com