Before and Aftercare programs at St. Patrick School are available for Pre-K thru 8 Grade Students. Our staff and aides provide study assistance and activities for students.
All parents must sign their children IN to the school’s Morning Care program and sign them OUT of our Aftercare program. Parents utilizing the morning and/or after care program must complete an emergency contact form, and an additional charge will apply.
Our on-site Before Care Program runs from 6:45-7:15 AM in the school cafeteria. The fee is $2 per day, per child. Parents will be billed through FACTS. Students must be signed in (no drop offs) by an adult. Students do not have to register for this program. However, emergency contact info must be on file.
Our on-site Aftercare Program program is available from 3:00-6:00 PM, and on half days from 12:00-6:00 PM. There are days throughout the school year when it will not be offered (those dates will be posted in the newsletter). The cost is $10.00 per day for one child and $15.00 per day for families of 2 or more children. Parents will be billed through FACTS. A completed registration form must be on file prior to using the Aftercare program.
Aftercare Registration Form 2020-21