There are no current Revive programs running at this time
Thursdays, TBD
7:00 PM, Social Hall
Moving our parish from Maintenance to Mission
Join us in person to grow your faith
METANOIA: A Journey With Christ Into Conversion - Study Guide - Revive 05/15/22-11/17/22
PRESENCE: The Mystery of the Eucharist - Revive 04/21/22-05/19/22
The Wild Goose: A Deeper Relationship with the Holy Spirit - Study Guide - Revive 09/16/21-02/17/22
Bible Verses to Help Us Live the Gift of Peace - Revive 11/05/20
The Rules of Discernment; St. Ignatius of Loyola - Revive 01/14/21 & 11/12/20
The Rules of Ignatius - Simplified - Revive 01/14/21 & 11/12/20
School of Prayer - Session 5 - Revive 02/11/21
Eucharist - Revive 04/15/21
Holy Spirit - Revive 05/11/21
If you missed our Lenten journey with "The Search" you may access it by clicking the link below.
A Message from Fr. Brian
Hello St. Patrick family!
All of us on the parish staff have been working and praying on how to help all of us reengage, reignite, … REVIVE our faith and how we live it.
Our parish mission statement, “Forming Disciples, Leading all to Christ”, gives us a purpose and a responsibility to follow Jesus’ command, “Go out to all the nations, baptizing in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.” We are called to be missionary disciples! The question we have to ask ourselves is, “Do we consider ourselves disciples - ready and prepared to share the Good News?”
Studies show that most of the people in the pews do not feel qualified or ready to do this. That’s where the first part of our mission statement comes into play – Forming Disciples.
Becoming a true disciple does not just happen! It takes effort. It takes passion! It’s what we hear in the Gospel – “If you would be my disciple, you must take up your cross and follow me!” We each have to realize that we can always grow in our relationship with Jesus. We need to be formed by Him! This process takes study, openness, and most of all, prayer!
Keeping this in mind, we have come up with a plan on how we can all grow in our faith, how we can be REVIVED to live our mission.
On Thursday evenings at 7:00 pm – we will be meeting to grow as disciples. The overall program is called REVIVE! Every Thursday will have a program that is open to all. We would love to have you for each and every Thursday – whether in-person or watching online, but each one is designed to be stand-alone.
Come and join us for REVIVE Thursdays! Let us help each other and form each other to be true missionary disciples!