Prayer Ministry is serving God by being prayerfully present to others who are sick, lonely, or suffering in some way. Those we minister to are typically persons who are grieving any kind of loss or are in a hospital, nursing home, or someone who is homebound. The prayer minister spends time listening with a caring and compassionate heart. Visits are confidential and what is said during a visit stays with the prayer minister.
Some characteristics of a good Prayer Minister are:
- Be sensitive to others, respecting their dignity
- Maintain healthy boundaries
- Provide prayerful support, especially the Rosary or Divine Mercy Chaplet
- Listen objectively and compassionately
- Be non-judgmental
- Be present
- Trust God in the silence
- Maintain confidentiality
- Maintain a personal healthy lifestyle in mind, spirit, and body
- Be reliable, punctual, and responsible
If you would like to be a part of this Ministry, please contact:
Craig Wania •