405 S. Church St., Wentzville, MO 63385 | 636-332-9225

2024 Advent


The liturgical season of Advent begins on the fourth Sunday before Christmas (closest to the Feast of St. Andrew the Apostle) and spans four Sundays and four weeks of spiritual preparation by the faithful before Christmas, although the last week of Advent is usually truncated because of when Christmas falls. In 2024, Advent begins Sun, December 1, and ends on Tue, December 24.

* livestream Mass


FIRST (12/01), SECOND (12/08), THIRD (12/15), SUNDAY OF ADVENT
Normal Mass Schedule: Sat Vigil • 5 PM & Sun • 7 AM, *9 AM, 11 AM, 5 PM

Updated Mass Schedule: Sat Vigil • 5 PM & Sun • 7 AM, *9 AM, 11 AM

Holy Day of Obligation in 2024 (moved from Sun, December 8)
Mon, December 9 • 6:30 AM, *8 AM, 9:30 AM (All School Mass), 7 PM
Note: In 2024, the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception is moved to Monday, December 9, due to it falling on the Second Sunday of Advent. A new directive from the Holy See, verified by Bishop Thomas J. Paprocki from the USCCB, states that the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception on Monday, December 9, 2024, is to be observed as a holy day of obligation this year. Catholic News Agency

Tue, December 24 Daily Mass

The liturgical season of Christmas begins with the vigil Masses on Christmas Eve and concludes on the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord. During this season, we celebrate the birth of Christ into our world and into our hearts and reflect on the gift of salvation that is born with him, including the fact that he was born to die for us.


Holy Day Obligation
Christmas Eve - Tue, December 24
*4 PM Church
4 PM Gym
5:30 PM Church
10 PM Church

There will be a 20-minute music prelude before the 4 PM & 10 PM Masses. At 4 PM, there are two separate, in-person Masses; one in the church & one in the school gym; the gym Mass is a live Mass, NOT a livestream of the church Mass. SEATING: If it is your practice to send a couple of family members to reserve spots at the 4 PM Christmas Mass, please make sure that everyone is in Church by 3:30 as we will begin to fill the seats in after this time.

Christmas Morning - Wed, December 25
7 AM
9 AM
11 AM
NOTE: No 5 PM Mass

Liturgical Ministers (lectors, ushers, greeters, EMHCs) click HERE to sign up to serve.

Altar Servers click HERE to sign up to serve.

Sat Vigil, December 28 • 5 PM
Sun, December 29 • 7 AM, *9 AM, 11 AM, 5 PM

Holy Day Obligation
Wed, January 1 • *8 AM & 10 AM

Sat Vigil, January 4 • 5 PM

Sun, January 5 • 7 AM, *9 AM, 11 AM, & 5 PM

Sat Vigil, January 11 • 5 PM
Sun, January 12 • 7 AM, *9 AM, 11 AM, & 5 PM

* livestream Mass


Parishioners who are sick, homebound, immunocompromised, or gravely concerned for their health retain the dispensation from the obligation to attend any Mass, which has always been the case, and are encouraged to stay home and watch our livestream. We will livestream all Masses marked with an asterisk (*) above on our YouTube and Facebook pages. Though we should take the obligation to attend Mass seriously, no one is ever morally obligated to do something that would jeopardize their health or the health of other people.


During Advent, our priests will be present to hear confessions on:

  • Mondays, December 2, 9, 16, 23 at 5:00 PM
  • Wednesdays, December 4, 11, & 18 at 7:00 AM
  • Thursdays, December 5, 12, & 19 at 5:00 PM (two priests available)
  • Saturdays, December 7, 14, & 21 at 4:00 PM (two priests available)

Confession is an excellent way to prepare our hearts to celebrate the birth of Christ. All are encouraged to come and experience the healing mercy of God in the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

No confessions on December 25 or January 1. After December 25, the normal schedule will resume with Reconciliation on Mondays-5:00 PM, Wednesdays-7:00 AM, Thursdays-5:00 PM, and Saturdays-4:00 PM.

Examinations of Conscience

You're invited to an at-home, self-guided program, Forgiven, as it communicates God’s invitation to each one of us to come experience his indescribable love in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Whether you haven’t been to Confession in a long while or you go regularly, you don’t want to miss this series. Go to formed.org and search for Forgiven and then CLICK HERE to download the at-home study guide.

Session 1 - Where are You?
Session 2 - An Encounter with Mercy
Session 3 - The Rite Explained
Session 4 - Biblical Foundations
Session 5 - Your Questions Answered

Rosary & Holy Hour •
Thursdays, *11:00 AM (English) & 7:00 PM (Spanish) • Chapel

Daily Mass • Monday-Friday, 6:30 AM & 8:00 AM; Saturday, 8:00 AM • Church

Personal Prayer • 24 hours a day, 7 days a week • Code 9876 • Chapel


Make Your Own Advent Wreath • Sun, December 1 • 12 PM • Social Hall


Everyone is invited to make an Advent wreath for their home. For the Advent wreath, there is a charge of $15 for materials and instruction. Bring a pruner or heavy-duty scissors to trim the fresh evergreen branches. Register early as there are only 50 wreath kits available. RSVP HERE

Crafting the Spirit of Advent

This Advent, we’re pleased to introduce a new activity for families: Advent Crafts for Families! Each week, we’ll provide a take-home craft that families can enjoy together after Mass.

Join us for Mass to pick up your craft:

December 1: Advent Calendar
December 8: Mary
December 15: Nativity
December 22: Ornament

These simple and fun crafts are a great way to engage with the season and create lasting memories together. We look forward to seeing you and your family as we celebrate Advent!

Advent by Candlelight • Saturday, December 7 • 6:00 - 9:00 PM • Social Hall

Join us for a heartwarming gathering where we come together to create a cozy ambiance with candlelit tables adorned in elegant linens and bring a dish to share with one another. You can participate as an individual, with a few friends, or as a group of eight. Relax, savor the company, and immerse yourself in an evening of togetherness. "Advent by Candlelight" is a special gift to women, offering a tranquil respite from the holiday rush and a chance to center our thoughts and hearts on the birth of Christ.

We are excited to welcome Jane Guenther, Director of the Catholic Renewal Center, as our guest speaker. Jane is a spiritual director and teacher with extensive experience in promoting the power of the Holy Spirit. She will share her insights and inspiration with us. In addition, we’ll be blessed with music from Mary Kate Westrich, a passionate worship leader and songwriter.

Extend this invitation to all the wonderful women in your life, be it family members, friends, or neighbors, and embark on a Christ-centered journey as we prepare for the holiday season. The best part? There is no cost to attend this event. However, please be aware that space is limited, so we strongly recommend making your reservations as early as possible. Feel free to share this link: bit.ly/3AbC4wn. Registration is required to attend Advent by Candlelight RSVP HERE

3:30 – 5:00 PM - Decorate our tables
5:00 – 6:00 PM - Mass
6:00 – 9:00 PM - Food, friends, and fellowship 

Advent by Candlelight Photo Album

Advent by Tailgate • Sunday, December 8 • 6:15 - 9:00 PM • Church

How do Catholic men prepare for the grandeur of Christmas? By embracing the tradition of tailgating! St. Patrick welcomes you to a spirited tailgating event, where we commemorate the Advent season and fortify our faith as men. Join us as we ready ourselves for the arrival of Christ in the world, surrounded by friends and festivities. Together, we'll uplift one another on the journey to becoming the best brothers, husbands, and fathers we can be.

Our evening begins with a moment of reflection indoors with Fr. Dan Shaughnessy, followed by the outdoor tailgate celebration. Please bring your preferred beverages, and we'll supply the chili dogs. There is no cost associated with this event. Be sure to dress warmly, as we'll be outdoors part of the time.

Please share this invitation to others! We're not asking for RSVP's this year, so bring a friend and enjoy this fun evening together.

Bambinelli Sunday • Sunday, December 15 • After 9 AM & 11 AM Masses • Church

Bambinelli Sunday is a cherished Advent tradition established by Saint Pope John Paul II. This special day occurs on the Third Sunday of Advent, known as Gaudete Sunday, a time for rejoicing as we prepare for the arrival of the Lord Jesus.

This year, we are excited to introduce this tradition at St. Patrick! On Sunday, December 15, after the 9:00 AM and 11:00 AM Masses, families are invited to bring their baby Jesus figures from home for a blessing. This celebration fosters a meaningful connection between your Nativity scenes at home and our parish community.

The Pro Life Ministry invites all families to participate in this joyful event. After the blessing, we encourage families to take their 'Bambinelli' (Italian for ‘little baby’) home, wrap it (or hide it), and open it (or bring it out) on Christmas morning, celebrating the gift of Christ’s presence.

Join us as we rejoice in the season of Advent!

The Giving Tree
Visit The Giving Tree during the weeks of Advent. Please take a card with a donation request written on the back and then place your unwrapped donation under the tree. All donations will be given to Birthright of Wentzville. As a service project, the 4th grade PSR classes make and decorate The Giving Tree. The Giving Tree will be in the church gathering area beginning November 23. Note: Please only give UNWRAPPED donations. If your donation is wrapped, we will unwrap it before taking it to Birthright. Items received from our Giving Tree are used throughout the year. We have an abundance of Christmas card fronts and will no longer be accepting cards at this time. Thank you.

Breakfast with Santa • Sun, December 8 • after 7 & 9 AM Masses • Social Hall
After the 7:00 & 9:00 AM Masses on Sun, December 3 at St. Patrick, Santa will visit and take pictures with children of all ages ($5 photo). The Knights will also be hosting an All-You-Can-Eat breakfast with pancakes, sausage, biscuits & gravy, scrambled eggs, and beverages! Adults $8, kids 6-12 $4 (5 & under Free). Cash, check, or credit cards accepted. All proceeds will be donated to St. Patrick Youth Ministry for their retreat fund.

Cash donations are accepted for the Adopt-A-Family program to help supplement the gifts from the adopters. Please place your donation (payable to St. Patrick) in an envelope marked “Adopt-A-Family” and place it in the collection basket or drop it off at the parish office. Volunteers Needed: Visit
bit.ly/45E8sda or call the parish office to sign up to help transport items on Sat, December 14 after the 8 AM Mass.


Little Blue Book
Six minutes a day. That’s what you’re asked to give during these next 43 days – the 24 days of the Advent season and the 19 days of the Christmas season. Each 24-hour day has 240 “six-minute” blocks of time. During the Advent and Christmas seasons, you’re asked to give just one of those to the Lord. Little Blue Books will be available in the narthex beginning the first weekend of Advent. 

Advent Collection of Resources
To help you and your families celebrate Advent well this year, Catholic Formation has put together an amazing list of over 30 Advent resources and even categorized them for an easy search. Visit formationreimagined.org/advent-resources-2024.

I Am Here
We invite you to spend a few minutes each day this Advent preparing to celebrate Christmas and the gift of Jesus, by joining the I AM HERE Advent challenge today! Text “ADVENT” to 84576 to join or sign up here. I AM HERE is a campaign by the Archdiocese of Detroit and Hallow App in support of the National Eucharistic Revival.

Hallow App
The Archdiocese of St. Louis is partnering with Hallow to offer a premium subscription for just $1 for a full year! This will give you the opportunity create a profile, find friends, share prayer intentions, and journey through life-changing content together with your fellow parishioners. Get your year of premium for just $1 by visiting hallow.com/parish.

Online Advent Reflections

  • FORMED - Receive a daily reminder to dive into the depths of God’s Word. You may also opt-in to receive children’s reflections to include the whole family. Sign up at formed.org
  • DYNAMIC CATHOLIC - A free daily video program, sent straight to your email, that will help you prepare for Christmas like never before! Sign up at dynamiccatholic.com/best-advent-ever
  • ADVENT WITH FR. SCHMITZ - Every single day this Advent, Fr. Mike Schmitz will examine the daily readings and unpack them in a completely new program: Face to Face. Sign up here.